Event 1: BRAIN GAIN – making regions more resilient!
Date: 09.10.2024, 11:30AM - 1:00PM
This political lab will explore the challenges related to brain drain, regional depopulation, NEETs and attracting international talent. Together, we aim to illustrate local strategies, concrete and innovative solutions and best practices. This discussion will show how the development of cross-border skills can help grow local businesses and enhance local workforces. All together it will make regions more resilient, sustainable and inclusive when facing common future challenges.
Information and link for the registration of the event: https://regions-and-cities.europa.eu/programme/2024/sessions/32363
Event 2: Sustainable Transportation in the EU: Addressing Global Issues at the Local Level
Date: 08.10.2024, 2:30PM - 4PM
We will showcase innovative sustainable transport modes that are set to establish cohesive and resilient regional communities. Regions from all corners of Europe will demonstrate how they tackle social isolation in remote areas with green mobility solutions. Ensuring urban accessibility especially for the young, the old and the physically impaired highlights the importance of the political dimension of sustainable mobility systems, namely their impact on social inclusion and regional cohesion.
Information and link for the registration of the event: https://regions-and-cities.europa.eu/programme/2023/sessions/36780