With the provincial law on the European Union, adopted on 16 February 2015, the Autonomous Province of Trento gave to its EU Liaison office in Brussels the strategic task to foster the widest participation of local stakeholder in the decision-making, programmes and other initiatives of the European Union. To this end has been created a virtual platform, called EU-TIPS (Trentino Interactive Platform for Stakeholders).
EU- TIPS is a collaboration platform between the Public Administration and local stakholders and it is aimed to support all actors from Trentino to better understand EU policies and decision-making, to accede to EU funding programmes and financial instruments, to join strategic EU initiatives and to develop partnerships and other form of cooperation with stakeholders from other European countries.
Activities within the EU-TIPS platform are organised around four main pillars:
Networking and institutional relations
This activity aims at establishing contacts with representatives of European institutions, building partnerships and collaborations with other stakeholders at European level and participating in working groups of European networks, conferences and workshops.
The Autonomous Province of Trento take actively part in and involve its stakeholders in the activities of several networks and organisations, such as ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network), EARLALL (European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning), GIURI (informal group of the Italian EU liaison offices in Brussels), URC (network of the Italian regional offices in Brussels), Vanguard Initiative.
Funding and European initiatives
The activity aims to enhance the access of local stakeholders to EU funding programmes and tenders, as well as the participation to pilot projects and other initiatives of the Commission. It consists of scouting and analysis of funding, monitoring and anticipation of opportunities, analysis and investigation of sectoral European policies, and support in participating in project roundtables. Furthermore, the EU Liaison Office foster the participation of local stakeholders managed or sponsored by the Commission, such as the European Innovation Partnerships (EIP's), pilot projects and expert groups.
Missions, study visits and training
Missions: organised for a limited number of participants with a homogeneous or complementary professional profile and interests, they aim at creating opportunities of exchange with privileged interlocutors of European institutions and agencies, with the purpose of information, accreditation and promotion of the excellences of the territory.
Study visits: organised for medium to large school groups, with a mainly didactic character, and aim to acquire general knowledge about the functioning and policies of the European Union.
Training: also organised in the context of missions or study visits, are designed to explore specific European initiatives, dossiers, policies or funding opportunities.
Logistic support
By virtue of its privileged position in the heart of the European district, the EU Liaison Office is an excellent location to organise project meeting, conferences and workshops. The rooms and the technical equipment are provided upon availability on specific request. Moreover, The EU Liaison Office provide support upon request to organise events.